Read Timothy Leary’s Brain Melting Comics


In his 1977 book Exo-Psychology, psychologist and psychedelic drug advocate Timothy Leary revealed his eight-circuit model of consciousness, his theory about the workings of the human mind and the future neurological “circuits” that humanity might someday access and utilize in our travels beyond Earth. In 1979, the theory was adapted into Neurocomics, a trippy comic book exploration of the mind, human evolution, and how we might journey to the stars. Rene Walter has posted the entire (NSFW) Neurocomics online, and it provides a fascinating look into Leary’s peculiar transhumanist ideas. -VIA:- io9

Detailed Map of Every Avenger Marvel Ever Created

And so these incredibly detailed infographics by Jer Thorp do the knock-off series of superhero scraps almost too much justice, as they meticulously and elegantly plot the appearance of every one of the 132 Avengers through almost 50 years of issues, with each hero designated by a three-color shield borrowed from Captain America.