Stone Age Art gets Animated

Welcome to Animation Domination, Stone Age style. By about 30,000 years ago, Europeans were using cartoon-like techniques to give observers the impression that lions and other wild beasts were charging across cave walls, two French investigators find. –ARTICLE CONTINUED



The Brain Phone Booth

I don’t know what’s more remarkable: that this phone booth is shaped like a brain, or that there is a public phone still existing somewhere. This is an art installation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where there are at least 100 phone booths. All of them are part of an art project in which 100 artists were invited to make something of them. The stunt is part of a transition phase by the telephone company that is rebranding and repainting the public phone facilities, which will all eventually look the same. The brain phone is the work of artist Carla Pires de Carvalho Fernandes. Link -via NEATORAMA

Bulgeria: Skeletons Treated for Vampirism Discovered

According to Bozhidar Dimitrov, head of the National History Museum in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, two skeletons from the Middle Ages were found in such a state last weekend near the Black Sea town of Sozopol.

He said Tuesday that corpses were regularly treated in such a way before being buried in some parts of Bulgaria, even until the beginning of the last century.

Widespread superstition led to iron rods being hammered through the chest bones and hearts of those who did evil during their lifetimes for fear they would return after death to feast on the blood of the living.